XXVI Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho e Informática

Villavicencio – Colombia

1, 2 y 3 de noviembre de 2023

It is our pleassure to announce our VII International Law Conference and the XXV Iberoamerican Law and Computing Conference, that will be held at the Santo Tomas University, in the city of Villavicencio, Colombia; on November 1, 2 and 3, 2023.

Programa oficial


Call for Papers FIADI 2023


The Conference is a space to meet and exchange knowledge in the legal and technological field, where professionals, academics and researchers have the opportunity to present and discuss the most recent advances in relevant issues for our digital society. Through this event, we seek to promote dialogue and collaboration between the different actors involved in the development and application of the law in the digital environment.

In this context, we cordially invite you to present your papers and original work related to the core topics of the event.

Core Topics 

  1. Smart Government: Future Governance 
  2. Cyberjustice & Legaltech 
  3. Ecommerce & ODR (Online Conflict Resolution) 
  4. Intelectual Property and Cyberassets 
  5. Responsible and Ethical Artificial Intelligence 
  6. Blockchain and Smart Contracts 
  7. Data Proteccion and Privicy 
  8. Tech Rights: Human Rights and Up-and- Coming Technologies 
  9. BioLaw and BioTechnology 
  10. Cybersecurity and Cyberdelinquency 

Rules to submit you paper

Anex 1 Presentation Model

Anex 2 Work use License

Deadline for receipt of papers for the Congress 
Saturday August 26, 2023


VII Valentín Carrascosa Award

The Ibero-American Federation of Law and Computing Associations (FIADI), an international non-profit organization established in 1984, is calling for the VII edition of the "Valentín Carrascosa" Award for young researchers with the best communication in legal sciences and information technology. The award is intended for undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral students and young researchers from any University, Institute or Research Center, whose age does not exceed 40 years. The main theme of this edition is: "TECHNOLOGY AND RIGHTS: challenges, projections and opportunities from the field of women's participation in the digital environment".

The papers presented must be individually authored, original, unpublished and directly related to the main theme. Documents of 8 to 10 pages written in Spanish or Portuguese will be accepted, and must be sent before August 18, 2023. The winners will be selected by a committee and announced on August 31, 2023. The prizes include the publication of the paper in the FIADI magazine, recognition certificates, gifted law books, free access to social activities and, for the first prize, three nights of lodging in one of the hotels hosting the congress.


Deadline for receipt of Papers for the VII “VALENTÍN CARRASCOSA” AWARD
Friday August 31, 2023


Event Calendar


Fecha de recepción de ponencias para el Congreso  Saturday August 26, 2023
Fecha de recepción de Ponencias para el VII PREMIO “VALENTÍN CARRASCOSA” Friday August 31, 2023
Event Dates  Wednesday 01, Thursday 02, Friday 03 November 2023 


Events Costs



A.Professional Lecturer Modality (not undergraduate student) selected presentation

$ 250.000 (colombian pesos)

USD 60 (american dolars) 

B. Speaker modality for Undergraduate or bachelor degree students (Foreign or national)

$ 150.000 (Colombian Pesos)

USD 36 (american dolars)

C. Attendant Modality for Externals, Students (foreigners undergraduate and bachelor´s degree) USTA Graduates 

$ 100.000 (Colombian pesos)

USD 25 (American Dolars)



Non- agreement full fee: $355.000 COP / US 86 dólares por Noche (incluye Desayuno)

USTA agreement special fee: $260.000 COP / US 63 dólares por Noche (incluye Desayuno)

Note To access the agreement fee you have to make the reservation through the Santo Tomás University via email stating the following information:

  • Full Name and Last name
  • ID/Passport
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth

Website: https://www.hotelesestelar.com/es/hotel/estelar-villavicencio-hotel-centro-de-convenciones?  

 Non- agreement full fee: $209.000 COP / US 50 dolars per night (breakfast included)

USTA agreement special fee: $173.000 COP / US 42 dolars per night (breakfast included)

Note To access the agreement fee you have to make the reservation through the Santo Tomás University via email stating the following information:

  • Full Name and Last name
  • ID/Passport
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth

Website: https://hacaritamacolonial.com/es