Retail banks wake up to digital lending this year
The effort vastly improved the company’s planning and execution functions, created and implemented a new stock policy that accounted for specific SKUs and key variables, streamlined the order preparation process and reduced distribution transport times.
A digital prescription for the pharma industry
Supported by a robust sales force and tight cost controls, Pharm Ltd. experienced sustained double-digit growth over a number of years, only to find that their supply chain struggled to keep pace. In particular, the initial state of the company’s sales.
La Federación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones de Derecho e Informática (FIADI) ha adquirido su personería jurídica bajo la regulación de la legislación de la República Oriental del Uruguay. A partir de ahora, nuestra federación es formalmente una Organización No...
Sobre la justicia criminal y la prensa online
Selene Peraza Rosas (México) Era un día de septiembre de 2001, en España, cuando Dolores Vázquez fue sentenciada a 15 años y un día de prisión, y una multa de 18 millones de pesetas, por el asesinato de la joven Rocío Wanninkhof1, de 19 años, en octubre de 1999. 17...
Harvest great ideas from your company’s best assets
In particular, the initial state of the company’s sales and operations planning capabilities limited their ability to account for demand variability or raw material lead times in production and distribution. Improve sales and operations and production planning.
Three Social Media Hacks for the Busy Entrepreneur
The teams focused their efforts on a few of the highest-value S&OP levers in order to review the current planning process, identify gaps in the planning infrastructure and analytically understand demand and supply variability.
Stick with Your Concept but Do Your Homework
With hundreds of medications in the market, Pharm Ltd. needed a proper method to predict and manage their inventory. Using a mean absolute percentage analysis (MAPE), the teams defined appropriate levels for raw materials and finished products by mapping.
Narrow Your Focus to Prevent Overanalysis
What is this highly valuable asset? Its own people. Says Morgan Fraud, the author of The Thinking Corporation, “Given that we are all capable of contributing new ideas, the question becomes how do you successfully generate, capture, process and implement ideas?”
XX Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho e Informática
Salamanca, España es la sede de nuestro XX Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho e Informática. Próximamente, toda la información en nuestro sitio web.